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Why Do I Need A Gluten Free Diet

Hear the good news from your doctor. Or maybe you came to that conclusion yourself, perhaps after a series of tests and countless lists of symptoms. But here’s the moment of truth: Start eating a gluten-free diet. The kicker is that you do not know what you are doing. Are you going to reduce fat? Cut back on pizza and small fish. Will the sodium go down? Add salt. Gluten-free gluten? Well … can you answer this question? This is what our family was like when my husband started a gluten-free diet.

What is this gluten?

For the first few weeks we went shopping when my husband fell ill. Gluten – really? If it comes from the top of my pantyhose will I know it contains gluten? The list can be challenging because gluten comes from so many different grains and forms a million ingredients that are not referred to as “that’s like gluten.” It is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Bread cakes stimulate protein production, which creates a strong, flexible food texture. Oats do not use gluten-free technology, but they are grown and processed with wheat grains, and the risk of contracting a viral infection is very high. These oats are grown “clean” and processed in a remote area, using dedicated equipment, and regular inspections are carried out to eliminate this threat.

I have no idea that gluten could be in it.

Well put bread, pasta, cake, pizza together and a large bag of flour on the back shelf. That would be enough, right? Well it was a good start, but it just wasn’t enough. Diets go beyond the obvious ways. You just have to be more discerning in the help you give others. Gluten can be found in malt flavors (oh no, look at nearly any cereal box), “flavors” (an unhealthy ingredient at the end of many names), and the smart grain system (like some potatoes or potato mixes). Do you understand what I mean? It’s like looking at Wally in one of those books, unless Waldo walks around and changes his shirt without telling you.

Disease and its various effects

Have you heard of “worship”? Yes I did it. For some people, gluten is actually a poison. It should be avoided altogether. Otherwise, they put uncomfortable symptoms on the body. The side effects of gluten and celiac disease can share similar symptoms. But according to current research, only celiac disease shows evidence of severe intestinal damage.

Inflammation is a good thing

This is a big reason why anyone with celiac disease should be careful to avoid gluten at all costs – chronic tissue damage. Remember all about food malabsorption? The reason for this is that gluten triggers an autoimmune response in the gut, which causes a lot of inflammation. The body mainly attacks itself when gluten is surrounded. This chronic disease causes obvious symptoms such as pain and discomfort. It also begins to destroy the villi (a small, finger-like feature that flips the right side of the food) that make up all of the food. Over time, the swelling erodes these villi into the lump. They include diarrhea, malabsorption, weight loss, fatigue, headache and full symptoms of malnutrition.

Gluten-Free Diet: Beneficial for Health and Wellness

The purpose of the gluten-free diet is to help your body recover and improve. Yes, starting out can be confusing and frustrating. Yes, you can skip the meals that you have been eating (healthy and wholesome). Yes, this can be explained for some time so that people will understand what you are saying. But with all this, you get an expensive gift: a body that you can wear and have fun with.


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